Thursday, June 19, 2008

Storms, etc.

We had thunderstorms this morning. Hannah was hiding from them under her covers when Bill went to get her up. I think they have mostly passed by now, but we may have more tonight and tomorrow morning.

Zachary had a sore throat earlier this week; it was viral and not strep, so we just had to wait for him to get over it. He seems to be doing much better, and is back to his normal self of annoying Shadow and getting into everything.

Hannah is starting cheerleading camp at her daycare tomorrow. I don't want her to get into cheerleading, but she really wanted to do it. She is also probably going to her first sleepover at her best friend, Madeline's, the first weekend in July. We hope we don't have to pick her up in the middle of the night.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Ashlyn Jewel

I have a new niece! Ashlyn Jewel was born early yesterday morning. Everyone is doing fine, and I hear that Anna really likes her baby sister.

I also posted some pictures from Hannah's graduation on MySpace.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hannah's Graduation and Wearing Jackets in Near 100-Degree Heat

Hannah graduated from Pre-K on Saturday. I have pictures, but haven't gotten them off of my camera, yet. It was a cute ceremony; they sang some songs, received their fake diplomas (we got the real one after the ceremony), and watched a slide show. The kids really enjoyed the slide show.

This morning, Hannah was watching the weather while we were getting ready for work and school, and she told me she wanted to wear her jacket today. I told her she didn't need it today, and she argued that it was windy and she needed her jacket. I don't know if I ever convinced her that she didn't need it today, but she apparently didn't think it could be windy and hot (high of almost 100 today) at the same time.